Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Assistive technology

Assitive technology is explained by the Ministry of Education as "Assistive technology helps children with disabilities to do things they cannot do, or to do them better. It is sometimes called ‘specialised equipment’ or ‘assistive equipment’. It can include technology devices such as computer hardware and software as well as vision equipment, specialised seating, tables and hearing devices" (Ministry of Education. 2012).

I define Assistive technology as a piece of equipment that can alter and enhance a task that a person who is impaired can not do. The equipment helps the user be independant and do the task for themselves.

A piece of assistive technology provided by Star mobility and Disability Centre in Hamilton is the Big buddy Switch seen Here. It is $135 NZD and is ued for those who need auditory and tactile feedback and is suitable for those who prefer colourful large bottons. 


Ministry of education.(2012). Assistive technology. Retrieved from:

Star mobility&disability centre. (2011). Big buddy switch. Retrieved from: